Accreditated Excellent
The bachelor of Doctor of Economics study program received Excellent accreditation from Lamemba the National Accreditation Board
Vision and Mission

Become a doctoral program that excels in the science of development planning and agro-industry-based regional development at the international level
Learning Process
Organizing doctoral program education in the science of development planning and agro-industry-based regional development at the international level
Carry out scientific research and development of agro-industry-based development planning and regional development at the international level
Develop Academic Activities
Develop academic activities that are relevant to the development of local wisdom and society towards glocalization
Expanding Networking
Expanding networking at the international level on the science of agro-industry-based development planning and regional development
Have expertise in the science of development planning and professional agro-industry-based regional development
Student are able to develop knowledge and solve problems in the field of development planning and regional development based on agro-industry, and able to produce innovative and tested works
Student are able to produce a variety of new ideas and quality scientific work in the field of agro-industry-based development planning and regional development and be able to disseminate them to gain recognition at the international level