Vision and Mission

Become a doctoral program that excels in the science of development planning and agro-industry-based regional development at the international level
Learning Process
Organizing doctoral program education in the science of development planning and agro-industry-based regional development at the international level
Carry out scientific research and development of agro-industry-based development planning and regional development at the international level
General Skills
Student are able to independently design scientific concepts and ideas in sustainable regional economics
Student are able to manage research and development of sustainable regional economics with an inter/multi/trans-disciplinary approach that is beneficial for the benefit of society and gain global recognition
Special skill
Student are able to design Agro-industry policies using a holistic, integrated, and inter/multi/transdisciplinary system approach in solving problems of sustainable regional economic development
Student are able to reconstruct theories related to sustainable regional economic development

Doctor of Economics FEB UNEJ Registration
Want to study at the Study Program Doctor of Economics Faculty of Economics and Business UNEJ ?
Get to know us and follow the registration to become part of the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Jember.

Dr. Teguh Hadi Priyono, S.E., M.Si.
Head of Development Economics Department
Dr. Duwi Yunitasari, S.E., M.E.
Secretary of Development Economics Department
Dr. Dra. Sebastiana Viphindrartin, M.Kes
Head of the Doctor of EconomicsContact Us
Gg. 5, Tegal Boto Lor, Sumbersari, Kec. Sumbersari, Kabupaten Jember, Jawa Timur
(0331) 337990